



He has photographed her against lots of different backgrounds. 他給她拍了許多不同背景的相片。 They were filmed against a background of dark fir trees. 在一片 ...

Background在background - CSS(层叠样式表) - MDN Web Docs的討論與評價

background 是一种CSS 简写属性,用于一次性集中定义各种背景属性,包括color, image, origin 与size, repeat 方式等等。

Background在background - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果的討論與評價

background · 背景(與前景foreground相對)[C];(事件等的)背景,遠因[C][U] ; background · 背景;不顯著的位置 ; background. 背景背景,後臺 ; backgrounds. background的 ...


    Background在background - 英語_讀音_用法_例句 - 海词词典的討論與評價

    background 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 詳盡釋義. n. (名詞). 背景; 經歷,出身,出身背景,身世經歷 ...

    Background在background中文, background是什麼意思:背景… - 英語翻譯的討論與評價

    1.后景,背景;基本情況;(紡織品等的)底子;出身;經歷。 · 2.隱蔽的[不引人注目的]地位;幕后。 · 3.襯托音樂,伴音;【無線電】干擾雜音(students of workers' background ...

    Background在CSS Backgrounds - W3Schools的討論與評價

    The CSS background properties are used to add background effects for elements. ... Other Elements. You can set the background color for any HTML elements: ...

    Background在background (【名詞】背景, 經歷)意思、用法及發音 - Engoo的討論與評價

    "background" 相關課程教材. "There's little white dots on a black background. 「黑色背景 ...

    Background在Perfect Full Page Background Image | CSS-Tricks的討論與評價

    We'll use the html element (better than body as it's always at least the height of the browser window). We set a fixed and centered background ...

    Background在Background 的圖片、庫存照片和向量圖 - Shutterstock的討論與評價

    American cents close up photo. Macro coins. Soft focused. Yellow flower with smooth background.


    使用Reverso Context: background information, against this background, background paper, against the background, background document,在英语-中文情境中 ...

    Background的PTT 評價、討論一次看
